Installation of Flexitank


1.Container selection
2.Installation of Flexitank
3.Loading pipes connection & flexitank loading
4.Disposal after loading


Emergency FAQ

1. What is Emergency Handling? An Emergencyis an event resulting in the unexpected significant release of the product in which must be stopped in order to protect employees, the public and the surrounding environment. 2. Why should we have the contingency plan? To establish measures and action that is required by all parties involved in the event of any incident during the transportation process in the container containing the Flexi tank. 3. When to report of the Emergency and report to whom? That is decided by the classification of Emergency Level. There are three levels in total: (1)Local Alert: Initial containment (2)Site Alert: Site containment (3)External Alert: Joint operations with external agencies such as Police, DOE, Civil Defense, etc. 4. How to distinguish the Emergency level in details? There are three classes in total: Class One: Dripping or oozing out from container not more than a lit an hour; Normally from the door. Class Two: more than 50 lit an hour: mainly from the door and floor board and cross member Class Three: any heavier leakers than above: which may be worst if its a bottom discharge bag, you may have total lose. 5 .Who should report and how to do? Shipper, Account holder, Shipping or transport agents, Port Authority. Immediate communication initiated between operations personnel, customer personnel, carrier (shipping line) personnel and other involved entities shall be conducted to prepare for a Recovery Plan. 6. What should be reported? The notification shall include; (1) Location of alleged leaking flexi tank classification of product leaking (2) Name, Company, Contact details of reporting entity and that persons involvement (3) Estimated amount of product that has been observed to have leaked (4) Actions already taken or immediately planned to occur. 7. How to write the recovery plan? All aspects of the Recovery Plan shall be written: Person Notified (when) Where leak occurred Where product is leaking (MSDS attached) Where leaking flexi tank is to be detained until trans-loading has been completed. Travel arrangement (costs) Equipment arrangement (cost) Personal responsible for each aspect of the recovery Spill containment (if required) Regulatory agency notification Third party surveyor arrangement (costs) Conclusion 8. Are there any measures of analysis of the leak incident? The suggested measures can be observed in conducting analysis of the leak incident: (1) Check the container walls for sharp edges, improper welding or any other protrusion that might have punctured the     Flexi tank and caused the leak. (2) Inspect all surfaces of the Flexi tank for holes, abrasions or other damage that may have resulted in the leak. (3) Analyses pictures of cardboard linings for signs of leakage area. The puncture area is carefully circled using a marker for insurance investigation. (4) Estimate loss of product due to the leakage. 9. How to come up to the final Feedback Evaluation? All involved personnel in regards to the recovery activities are to attend a meeting. Related personnel are also invited. The meeting will be jointly chaired by the Managing Directors and Customers Senior Management. 10. How to do the Feedback Evaluation Meeting? Agenda for discussions could be as follows: The reason for the leakage Claim settlement procedures and ascertain the incurred costs involved (incl compensation style) Solutions and improvement measures Finalize the contents of the recovery incident report. All information are documented and presented a copy to SAFT HQ for records purposes and also to commence claim procedures on behalf of customer.


